New book out: Social Change Anytime Everywhere

Posted on June 27, 2013


A new book is out on social media for organizations working for social change: “Social Change Anytime EverywhereHow to Implement Online Multichannel Strategies to Spark Advocacy, Raise Money, and Engage your Community” by Allyson Kapin and Amy Sample Ward. 

In their introduction to the book at Standford Social Innovation Reveiw the authors write: “There are many ways to share your message with supporters, call a community to action, and ask for feedback or support that will ultimately help you spur social change. Organizational communications are increasingly personal and direct, thanks to social media platforms and the prevalence of public access points. Yet despite the increasing number of methods for reaching out to and communicating with your constituents, certain guiding principles remain the same. (..) These five principles are the “make it or break it” checkpoints, regardless of whether you are a community group or enterprise-level organization, creating a political or advocacy campaign, or launching into short-term or year-round fundraising efforts.

  1. Identify your community from the crowd
  2. Focus on shared goals
  3. Choose tools for discovery and distribution
  4. Highlight personal stories
  5. Build a movement”

Read the full article here: Social Change Anytime Everywhere (SSIR).