Browsing All posts tagged under »Diffusion«

What makes great social organizations great: four variables for social entrepreneurial success

March 20, 2011


Over the last decade, a mounting public concern regarding sustainable development has surfaced. The need for institutional change towards a more sustainable construct appears more pressing than ever and social entrepreneurs, among others, have accepted that challenge. Yet, much still remains unknown about the processes of social entrepreneurship and how it brings about institutional change. […]

Defining social entrepreneurship: an academic deciphering

February 20, 2011


The purpose of this text is to provide anyone interested in social entrepreneurship as a concept academically, with a brief introduction to some of the essential aspects of the phenomenon, as well as the field of literature surrounding it. Be warned, there will be academic quotes and references, such that those intrigued, can study further. […]

Social entrepreneurship – ancient phenomenon, new word?

December 12, 2010


Eradicating extreme poverty continues to be one of the main challenges of our time, and is a major concern of the international community. Ending this scourge will require the combined efforts of all, governments, civil society organizations and the private sector, in the context of a stronger and more effective global partnership for development (United […]